8 Mar 2010

5 minutes

Not long ago, I read a very good book called “The mind gym”. You can find more info about it and other activities from its authors at: http://www.themindgym.com/.

The book suggests simple exercises to improve the efficiency of our mind, many of them bringing its attention to 'now'. This week I remembered one I called “5 minutes”. It consists of focusing your attention on whatever you are doing for an extra ‘5 minutes’ before you take a break, have a snack, or move to the next activity. Together with a 'to-do list', preferably with set deadlines; the exercise is miraculous.

In a way this week was the reverse of last one. I finished activities without wasting (too much) energy in mental trips and online distractions. I got less tired and felt better because I achieved proposed results and this improved my mood and my kindness (with me and the others). Plus, I had much more energy to enjoy leisure moments and, for example, dance for 4 uninterrupted hours on Friday (I must confess the comfy shoes and nice company helped a lot too).

So, the challenge for this week is to keep this vibe going even if only for another 5 minutes.

I also take advantage of the "International Women's Day" to suggest: be kind with a woman this week! Especially if she is you!

And get used to doing it more frequently. If the date exists certainly is because we forgot we deserve kindness for a while. Kindness that means respect to who we are; our ways; our wishes, dreams and needs; our kind strength; our wholeness.

No woman used to kindness accepts to act in a different way towards other women and men. Being kind to ourselves we'll be kind to others. No woman used to kindness accepts to be treated in a different way by other women and men. By being kind with ourselves we'll help to break paradigms and we'll create a better now. I dream of a day in which we won't need an "international day" to remind ourselves and the World our value. Until there, I wish all women a kind and “happy women's day”.


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