11 Feb 2010

A half-full-of-champagne glass

I’m sure you already heard the expression “glass half full or half empty”! It’s normally used to identify positive and negative people in a kind of plastic, selective process memorized answer type: “Oh! Me? I’m a ‘half full glass’ type of girl; always positive about everything!”.

Argh, let’s be honest! The glass is half way and that’s it! The difference is only on how you look at it; and this is a matter of choice.

Sometimes I choose that the glass is half empty and I react accordingly. Sometimes I choose that the glass is half full and I have another reaction. And, sometimes I choose it’s a flute glass; full of champagne and that, changes the way I face my day. The fact is that if I choose even how I perceive and react about something, even more all the rest.

Deep down, to choose is to pick a road and go! Therefore, it is mine the choice to be kind; it is mine the choice to be present; it is mine the choice to enjoy; it is mine the choice to cease my now; it is mine the choice to make my now better! Etc! Etc! Etc! 

Choice is essential! Without it, it’s impossible to get hold of anything. Without choice we lose the right to responsible and accept consequences. Maybe this is interesting when results are negative (who never had a scapegoat is either an only child or a saint and throw the stone); but what about when they are positive?

Yes, I know it isn’t easy to choose! And, I confess I have been choosing badly in some moments! For example, I’ve been choosing to complain too much about my life and waiting periods, even knowing they are  temporary and a result of conscious and extremely happy choices I've made recently! I also have been choosing to procrastinate (also called lazyness, but the other way looks prettier) and to postpone good results for me. I chose to stop my Kung Fu classes for over a year, even knowing they are essential to my sanity and incredibly good for my body.

But the beauty of choice it’s in the freedom it allow us. When I’m responsible, I’m also free and I can choose again if for any reason I screwed up last time.

Today you can choose to join me! You don’t need to write a blog or do a ceremony to make your participation official; all you need is to choose to act; now!


Anna says:
11 February 2010 at 14:19

Dear Le!!

I really love this idea and I really love the fact that you're doing something to act.
I have to admit that I find it hard to doe the same. So until the time that I can find enough peace in me to actually join you in the 'doing' part, I will try to just keep up with you and get inspiration from the things you write and do.

Good luck hun!!

Jpmikkelsen says:
11 February 2010 at 16:16

Hmmm well I dont know if my blog is about choice, more about my thoughts on a variety of things...so go check it out on www.jpmikkelsen.blogspot.com
I look forward to reading yours...

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