“If my mind can conceive, and my heart can believe, I know I can achieve” (Jesse Jackson).
Learnings of the week:
“When my mind conceives too much my body suffers!”.
Lack of balance between hours in front of the computer and hours of leisure, produces body, head and eyes ache, and difficulty to sleep and relax. Trust me!
“Not everything our mind conceives is believed by our hearts!”
If you are creative and have ever tried the lottery; you certainly have seen yourself smiling at the tube imagining your trillions. As well as thought of things like "well, but it is impossible to win anyway", etc. In a smaller scale the idea is the same for any over imagined project or barriers we build to achieve results. Sometimes the mind conceives too much; sometimes the heart believes too little.
“You can learn via love or pain!”
I challenge you to try not to remain present during a waxing! You may dream of stream and birds singing, but one pull is enough to bring you completely back to now. It is always possible to learn through pain; but, isn't it a better choice to try to be present in a dinner with friends, for example?
“To achieve what our heart believes it is necessary to keep the focus on now”
Until humanity invents teleport, to go from one place to the other requires one step (or a flown mile) after the other. Big projects are made of small and cumulative attitudes. Presence is essential, since in many cases maintaining focus doesn't mean knowing where you are going, but acting in order to make the trip possible.
“Honest acts of kindness and presence produce more natural and better outcomes than a compulsion for results”.
Results are consequences; and no matter how planned they escape most of our control. However, as Kevin Costner, I believe that "if you build, they will come". Positive actions generate positive reactions; coherence between discourse and attitude too.
So, this was my week in essence; much learning only possible after much reflection. Concretely, this week I thought about many things I needed or wanted to do. Notebook at hand, I listed each and every thing I thought important and defined few initial actions.
With a 05 page (only!) list; I closed the notebook; memorized some actions; and with that "well done me" feeling; allowed myself to an Internet break. And... didn't open the notebook no more! I spent hours on the computer between e-mails and facebook applications, articles and movies. I found some inspirational things, but I also found a lot of things that made me get out of reality. And, if I started to clarify the campaign for me and the world, I also saw me disconnecting from now.
In my mind a voice (probably Jesse Jackson's) was telling me I could achieve anything; and that I should focus on Hollywood to say the least. But as “not everything our mind conceives is believed by our hearts!”; I spent hours in the computer thinking about a billion “What Ifs?”; without one concrete outcome. I barely slept and I almost got sick. Because “when the mind conceives too much the body suffers!”, no doubt!
Worst! While doing crazy plans I stopped paying attention on what was essential: to be kind and present! Half (a far) way to a Kung Fu class I remembered I had forgotten my trousers. I went back home fuming, wanting to punch something (if not myself) for being unable to walk the talk. . The anger made kindness (with me and the others) disappears. But at least I landed on reality; rediscovering that “one can learn via love or pain!”
Worst! While doing crazy plans I stopped paying attention on what was essential: to be kind and present! Half (a far) way to a Kung Fu class I remembered I had forgotten my trousers. I went back home fuming, wanting to punch something (if not myself) for being unable to walk the talk. . The anger made kindness (with me and the others) disappears. But at least I landed on reality; rediscovering that “one can learn via love or pain!”
Next morning I took a deep breath and re-started. I brought plans to reality and actions to the present. I fixed the blog and gave some time to projects that also needed attention. I did what was possible and soon I started receiving some virtual and presencial support. Their symbolic value was enough to give me my presence back and reminded me that “to achieve what our heart believes it is necessary to keep the focus on now”.
The small victories helped me to regain balance. I wa able to be kind, what made me promote the blog in an unexpected level. At the same time, past kindnesses came back with positive results. It all confirmed that “honest acts of kindness and presence produce more natural and better outcomes than a compulsion for results”.
So, hopefully, all this has result in a clearer campaign with better chances of becoming reality. To participate, check the different links such as the "Join” one, but do not limit yourself to them. This campaign is not finished; as neither of us is. It is however, full of a hope that we are all on our way to a better now! I know mine is already changing!
“If my mind can conceive and my heart can believe; I know I can achieve” (Jesse Jackson).