28 Feb 2010

A kind re-start

“If my mind can conceive, and my heart can believe, I know I can achieve” (Jesse Jackson).

Learnings of the week:

“When my mind conceives too much my body suffers!”.
Lack of balance between hours in front of the computer and hours of leisure, produces body, head and eyes ache, and difficulty to sleep and relax. Trust me!

“Not everything our mind conceives is believed by our hearts!”
If you are creative and have ever tried the lottery; you certainly have seen yourself smiling at the tube imagining your trillions. As well as thought of things like "well, but it is impossible to win anyway", etc. In a smaller scale the idea is the same for any over imagined project or barriers we build to achieve results. Sometimes the mind conceives too much; sometimes the heart believes too little.

“You can learn via love or pain!”
I challenge you to try not to remain present during a waxing! You may dream of stream and birds singing, but one pull is enough to bring you completely back to now. It is always possible to learn through pain; but, isn't it a better choice to try to be present in a dinner with friends, for example?

“To achieve what our heart believes it is necessary to keep the focus on now”
Until humanity invents teleport, to go from one place to the other requires one step (or a flown mile) after the other. Big projects are made of small and cumulative attitudes. Presence is essential, since in many cases maintaining focus doesn't mean knowing where you are going, but acting in order to make the trip possible.

“Honest acts of kindness and presence produce more natural and better outcomes than a compulsion for results”.
Results are consequences; and no matter how planned they escape most of our control. However, as Kevin Costner, I believe that "if you build, they will come". Positive actions generate positive reactions; coherence between discourse and attitude too.

So, this was my week in essence; much learning only possible after much reflection. Concretely, this week I thought about many things I needed or wanted to do. Notebook at hand, I listed each and every thing I thought important and defined few initial actions.

With a 05 page (only!) list; I closed the notebook; memorized some actions; and with that "well done me" feeling; allowed myself to an Internet break. And... didn't open the notebook no more! I spent hours on the computer between e-mails and facebook applications, articles and movies. I found some inspirational things, but I also found a lot of things that made me get out of reality. And, if I started to clarify the campaign for me and the world, I also saw me disconnecting from now.

In my mind a voice (probably Jesse Jackson's) was telling me I could achieve anything; and that I should focus on Hollywood to say the least. But as “not everything our mind conceives is believed by our hearts!”; I spent hours in the computer thinking about a billion “What Ifs?”; without one concrete outcome. I barely slept and I almost got sick. Because “when the mind conceives too much the body suffers!”, no doubt!

Worst! While doing crazy plans I stopped paying attention on what was essential: to be kind and present! Half (a far) way to a Kung Fu class I remembered I had forgotten my trousers. I went back home fuming, wanting to punch something (if not myself) for being unable to walk the talk. . The anger made kindness (with me and the others) disappears. But at least I landed on reality; rediscovering that “one can learn via love or pain!”

Next morning I took a deep breath and re-started. I brought plans to reality and actions to the present. I fixed the blog and gave some time to projects that also needed attention. I did what was possible and soon I started receiving some virtual and presencial support. Their symbolic value was enough to give me my presence back and reminded me that “to achieve what our heart believes it is necessary to keep the focus on now”.

The small victories helped me to regain balance. I wa able to be kind, what made me promote the blog in an unexpected level. At the same time, past kindnesses came back with positive results. It all confirmed that “honest acts of kindness and presence produce more natural and better outcomes than a compulsion for results”.

So, hopefully, all this has result in a clearer campaign with better chances of becoming reality. To participate, check the different links such as the "Join” one, but do not limit yourself to them. This campaign is not finished; as neither of us is. It is however, full of a hope that we are all on our way to a better now! I know mine is already changing!

“If my mind can conceive and my heart can believe; I know I can achieve” (Jesse Jackson).

25 Feb 2010

How to join

Initially the campaign will use only free tools available on the Internet; as well as the voluntary engagement of interested people and companies.

Essentially everybody can join by simply being kind and present on a daily basis. However, those interested on going beyond may contribute as suggested below or as desired.

People – as participants and volunteers

• Being kind and present and posting own experiences and examples;
• Promoting the campaign;
• Supporting the campaign on facebook, twitter, etc;
• Researching and commenting examples of projects, activities and organizations that may be shared;
• Creating different communication and promotion material;
• Creating and maintaining a website;
• Producing videos and podcast.
• Doing translations
• Fundraising for partners and resources

Personalities - As ambassadors to the campaign
• Offering image, time and talent to the production of material such as videos, jingles, podcast, Internet banners, etc.
• Actively participating through publishing on the different campaign tools: blog posts, examples captured in videos and podcast, facebook contribution, etc.

Companies – as partners
• Developing visual and communication identity to the campaign;
• Creating different communication and promotion material;
• Creating and maintaining a website;
• Producing videos and podcast.
• Promoting events.

Main concepts

Three concepts are essential to this campaign:

Choice: directly connected with the idea of ‘freedom’, choice is the basis of this campaign; that believes no change is possible without a conscious personal participation. Without choice, no kindness or presence will happen. Without it, people won’t embrace their responsibility regarding a better now or a better World; they can not accept their acts have consequences (either positive or negative) and therefore can’t provoke change in the present.

Kindness: The concept encloses ideals of respect, empathy, service and non-violence; translated into different concrete actions. It is voluntary; therefore, it differs from citizenship or obligation. It is also altruistic; not expecting (although it doesn’t exclude the possibility happening) advantages or recognition. It is applied with the sole objective to create a better now for oneself and the others.

Presence: Related to ideals of integrity, honesty, acceptance and joy; refers to an ability to be whole where one is. It is not related to specific activities but to a state of mind, where there is attention and perception; to a state of heart where one is happy and satisfied; and to a sensorial state of consciousness and vibration with the moment. Living the now and fully ceasing it.

The basis for making kindness and presence concrete is personal choice. Their application can happen in different manners (simple or complex actions) and levels (personal, societal and environmental). These are but a few examples to clarify how a person could enrol to the campaign, by changing his/her perception, behaviour or discourse. More examples and explanation about the concepts will be provided on the blog posts.

Simple actions of kindness:
- Personal (oneself). To ignore and change inner diminishing voices; to respect oneself doing what’s in accordance to own values and heart, instead of just to please someone else or the society.
- Societal (the others). To treat the waitress in a café with a smile and patience despite anything; open and hold doors; breaks paradigms; do what needs to be done to help.
- Environmental (the World). To take care of an abandoned pet; support free range; plant a tree; reduce wastage.

Complex subjects related to kindness:
Gender empowerment and equality, personal development, blood donation, human rights, volunteering, recycling, and diversity; among others.

Simple actions of presence:
- Personal. To get to know ourselves and our values, being honest with and about ourselves and living with integrity. To enjoy a dish tasting every bit, every flavour, texture, temperature instead of swallowing it. To read a book and feel the texture of its cover, the fingers turning the pages, the story creating life in the mind and taking the heart with it.
- Societal. To sit with friends without rush enjoying their company; listening to what they are saying, and to what they are not saying behind tired eyes or smiles. To do your work with attention and diligence; understanding that it is part of a chain reaction that impacts on others lives and tasks.
- Environmental. To notice and to follow life's rhythms; wake up with the spring, become lighter with summer, take things easy with fall, retreat to yourself in the winter. To understand the consequences ones acts for that moment and for years to come.

Complex subjects related to presence:
Slow food movement, nutrition, transformational leadership, CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainability, and responsible consumption; among others.

About the campaign

Certainly, most people agree they would rather live in a better World. In fact, there are plenty of them pursuing the dream of a brighter future through personal activities, projects and NGOs. However, change is often postponed for tomorrow; most people do not believe this change is possible to be experienced ‘now’.

This campaign aims to promote the awareness that changing the World to a better place, being happier and having a more fulfilling life is possible now. It understands that the human being is the beginning of any process. And that personal choice combined with attitude can provoke both instantaneous and sustainable change on perceptions, behaviours, discourses and outcomes.

Its main vision is that by freely choosing to exercise presence and apply a simple concept such as kindness, any person can achieve “a better now” and bring transformation to the World, both in the present and for the future.

Moreover, it is based on values of respect, empathy, integrity, honesty, and joy. These are manifested in varied ways through actions of kindness and presence in three different levels: personal (ourselves); societal (other people) and environmental (the World).

Finally, this campaign intends to show ways, not provide recipes or set standards. It aims to use the power of communication and technology via networks to create awareness; to give alternatives and to promote causes with similar values and goals. It believes no one is an island; and that by acting from us, but together; results can be intensified and sustained.


The campaign will be promoted and launched virtually, with available material in English and Portuguese.

If human and financial resources allow, it will increase its promotion and activities to focus on two developed Countries: the US and the UK; and two developing Countries: Brazil and India. The first 02 chosen for their influence (especially exercised via media, arts and technology) increasing the range of the campaign and its possibilities of success. The last 02 chosen for their increasing importance in the global economic scenario; believing that by advocating attitude and cultural change to them in the present this may also increase their importance in the global humanitarian scenario and set new standards.

To achieve its objectives, the campaign has an action plan following these steps:

1. To create and present ideas
To use virtual communication tools available nowadays (website, blog, podcast, twitter, facebook, videologs, etc) and create a content that explains the campaign and its concepts, as well as, promotes ways to participate on it.

Ideas will be presented in a clear and straight forward manner, using a personal and common approach as much as possible. It will also consider cultural differences that might impact on the reception and acceptance of the message; adjusting the material content to idiomatic expressions of each language.

The material and content will be developed personally or through partnerships with interested companies and professionals.

2. To provide examples and engage
In order to facilitate awareness and motivate participation, examples on how the concepts can be understood and applied will be provided through different material.
These will report personal experiences of different people that have tried the concepts; or promote existent interesting/ethical activities that can be linked with kindness and presence.

Moreover, considering that people respond better when they can relate to other people; examples will use a personal approach as much as possible. With the intention to encourage engagement, guarantee a connection, and increase results; ambassadors will be searched among personalities recognized by their integrity, kindness, ethics, professionalism and concrete attitudes coherent with the campaign ideals.

3. To facilitate content sharing
To achieve this, all campaign material will be available to be shared by participants with their network, increasing the campaign range.

A community will also be created around the campaign. Merchandising material to identify participants will be available, as well as spaces (such as forums and groups) in which they can show their support, post own experiences and examples; and meet like-minded people with similar interests and experiences on targeting the concepts.
If you too believe "a better now" is possible, join and support this campaign!
Do not leave for tomorrow what you can start now!

21 Feb 2010

Results and new starts

Well, Saturday was “Day to choose not to procrastinate and do what I have to do!” And I really managed to do it, but soon I found out a few things:
- if this is your decision try not to unite: leaving all the projects from the week to this day and inviting a couple of friends to go to your place at different hours. You’ll end up exhausted, trust me!
- notice that “do what I have to do” is a wide concept that, if not properly defined beforehand, leaves a lot of space for things not to happen at all!
- Be realistic and balanced! Do not try to solve your life that particular day or at least go to bed earlier the night before!

At the end, Saturday ended at 4am on Sunday. It was an excellent day but for reasons more related to presence and its commonly demanded honesty; and to the huge ability true friendship has to help you discover and/or remember who you are.

Saturday was also important to show me that I might need to take things easier, instead of giving me huge and little defined challenges.

Well, today was a having a break day. A day to propose new challenges to the new week!

The first is to be kinder with myself and lower my expectations. Let the concepts flow and start to become part of who I am, noticing how they manifest during the week. To observe more, use less structure and writing, and deepen concepts and contents.

The second is to take responsibility for my own life, which, for me, is a way to exercise presence in a personal level. To define strategies and paths; intentions, wishes and dreams; but mostly to set stones: activities and actions to achieve my objectives. It includes the campaign and the blog that are going to go through a reflection and some changes to gain more clarity!

So, don’t go no where!

19 Feb 2010

Thursday – Day to work on my presence and do one thing at a time!


Today was one of those days in which I can say with property that “easily said than done”! I can’t even say I started the day well. I brushed my teeth while taking the bathroom’s trash out... and that was the rhythm of the day; with few exceptions in which I really started a task and went all the way to its end.

Even now, I’m chatting with a friend online and writing the text to the blog! Total failure!

Anyway, what I thought it was the most difficult thing to do was to do the task without thinking about the next 50 things I needed to do. Only possible when I was doing something really enjoyable or repetitive, or when I was mentally screaming at myself to stop the mental diarrhoea.

The interesting thing is that I just started to read a book called “The power of now” by Eckhart Tolle that speaks exactly about how our thoughts keep us from being present and whole.

The thing is that in a World that values “thinking”, “doing” and being “mechanically efficient” so much; doing, or better “being”, different demands constant attention. Maybe next time!?

What about you? Any success?

17 Feb 2010

Online activism


We live in a connected world. A world where distance became reality to the size of our souls and disposition.

For example, today I received an email from a friend advertising the petition of a human right's NGO called Avaaz. The petition was about a law in Uganda, that at first wouldn't affect my life at all. But as I believe the butterfly effect and the history of the 100th monkey; I signed and shared the link on facebook.

The fact is that it wasn't difficult to support an organization the believes, as I do, in “closing the gap between the world we have, and the world most people everywhere want” . I didn't even need to risk my life as one of their campaign's coordinator does. All I needed was 2 minutes of my time to answer an e-mail at my inbox.

Chances like this reminded me of this quote I love by Edward Everett Hale: “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do".

If you also want to know and contribute to the organization, go to their website and follow their campaigns at:   http://www.avaaz.org/en/about.php#howwework. And by the way, the picture above was taken from it.

16 Feb 2010

Procratination, a word I adore!

I don’t know about you, but I have a problem (in fact many, but I’ll share one at a time in order not to scary you too fast): I procrastinate!

It is more or less like an escalated writer’s block with a perfect logic behind it! I sit my @$$ in front of the computer, but “since the inspiration didn’t show up in the first 30 seconds”, I feel “it’s not the right moment” and so, “I’d better watch another chapter of my favourite TV show”! When I realize the whole season is over; I haven’t done what I need or want; and I spent so much time in the computer I now have a headache.

This normally happens in two moments: when I want to start something; or when I have just finished a task. In the first case, there always seems to be “something better” to do and so, I postpone projects and ideas. In the second, it my brain shuts off satisfied as soon as a task is over, giving me a “deserved break” even if there’s still a bunch of things on my to-do-list to cover.

This is how I postpone plans, life projects, small and big changes, diets, to exercise, apologies, e-mails' answers, and in many cases, my happiness. And I'm especially creative in my procrastination, being able to spend the afternoon in a perfect imaginary party's soundtrack or playing Angry Birds in the computer. Meanwhile life goes by and doesn't come back. I repeat (in a vain attempt to convince myself): IT DOESN'T COME BACK!

However I've become more conscious about the impacts of procrastination and decided to fight it. After all, as Mark Twain said: " Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do." and he is right. And I? I don't want to be a disappointed person; on the contrary! So I follow his advice: "so throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover" And I? I'll live!

11 Feb 2010

A half-full-of-champagne glass

I’m sure you already heard the expression “glass half full or half empty”! It’s normally used to identify positive and negative people in a kind of plastic, selective process memorized answer type: “Oh! Me? I’m a ‘half full glass’ type of girl; always positive about everything!”.

Argh, let’s be honest! The glass is half way and that’s it! The difference is only on how you look at it; and this is a matter of choice.

Sometimes I choose that the glass is half empty and I react accordingly. Sometimes I choose that the glass is half full and I have another reaction. And, sometimes I choose it’s a flute glass; full of champagne and that, changes the way I face my day. The fact is that if I choose even how I perceive and react about something, even more all the rest.

Deep down, to choose is to pick a road and go! Therefore, it is mine the choice to be kind; it is mine the choice to be present; it is mine the choice to enjoy; it is mine the choice to cease my now; it is mine the choice to make my now better! Etc! Etc! Etc! 

Choice is essential! Without it, it’s impossible to get hold of anything. Without choice we lose the right to responsible and accept consequences. Maybe this is interesting when results are negative (who never had a scapegoat is either an only child or a saint and throw the stone); but what about when they are positive?

Yes, I know it isn’t easy to choose! And, I confess I have been choosing badly in some moments! For example, I’ve been choosing to complain too much about my life and waiting periods, even knowing they are  temporary and a result of conscious and extremely happy choices I've made recently! I also have been choosing to procrastinate (also called lazyness, but the other way looks prettier) and to postpone good results for me. I chose to stop my Kung Fu classes for over a year, even knowing they are essential to my sanity and incredibly good for my body.

But the beauty of choice it’s in the freedom it allow us. When I’m responsible, I’m also free and I can choose again if for any reason I screwed up last time.

Today you can choose to join me! You don’t need to write a blog or do a ceremony to make your participation official; all you need is to choose to act; now!

9 Feb 2010


I’m sorry if you were hoping for a Profile or a CV. I have both, but I don’t think they translate me very well. I’m not what I do; although what I do surely impacts on who I am!

I’m not a saint or perfect, I don’t always wake up in the right feet or in a good hair day. I have good and bad qualities, none of them define me; what I do with and about them, does!

I’m anxious and impatient! Sometimes it’s a problem, sometimes a force for change myself and what’s around me.

I adore life and I’d rather enjoy everything I can while I can. I believe today is the best day of my life; so far! I believe in miracles and I’m not satisfied with little! But I’m not a hedonist, nor do I feast on other expenses.

I’m not an island! I insist on growing relationships, on stopping to listen to people’s answers, on sitting together around the table (at home, in a restaurant, in a pub, in the World); but I also make mistakes. If you want to know more about be, maybe you should ask those that once felt my presence; but sorry I can’t indicate them I can only tell you about those whom have touched me.

I’m a lot of things, I haven’t even figure out all of them! But I’m not afraid of changing those I notice do not suit me anymore; prejudices about me and other have only delayed my progress. I rather regret what I tried than not try at all; but I’m not an inconsequent!

I’m on my way! In constant search for myself, my freedom and happiness; for a better world and a better now; and I’m conscious that all I have under my control it is me and my now!

7 Feb 2010

Carpe Diem: Tempus Fugit...

"Whenever there are alternatives, be careful. Do not choose the convenient, the comfortable, the respectable, the socially acceptable, the honourable. Choose what makes your heart vibrates. Choose what you would like to do, despite all consequences." (Osho)

The quote by Osho may seem strange, polemic, according to the way you read it. But, to me, it talks about presence. This ability to be whole where you are; and to be happy, vibrating because of it. Consequences in this case are normally positive!

No life lover is happy if not complete where he/she is. Enjoying that unique moment, knowing it will go away. Carpe Diem: Tempus Fugit! Cease the day, time perishes!

Easily said, hardly done! I've travelled wanting to stay home; went to church wanting to be at that BBQ with friends; stayed late at work, wanting to see that friend I hadn't met for such a while... Not there, nor here! I chose because I thought it was convenient, comfortable, respectable, socially acceptable, honourable, "right"; and most of the time I blamed someone for the lack of honesty with myself. To be there wasn't what I really wanted. Body in a place; minda nd heart in another. I went by the moment but didn't enter in it, didn't live! What was the fun of it?

This lack of presence doesn't happen only when I get divided after a choice. Right now, while I write this text, I stopped many time to get things ready to sleep, while my mind thought about many things. As a result I had to correct the text many times. I didn't write it whole; nor enjoyed the time to get ready for a nice sleep.

On the other hand, my best memories are those in which I can go back in time and feel what I felt; being the memory so physical! The connection with someone dear in the silence after laughter; a divine revelation sat in the grass; the pleasure tiredness of a dancing  body in and unforgettable party; childhood tastes of yummy things only grannies can manage to cook; and so many other. Moments in which I was present. As when we hug someone we like so much and years later, when remembering it, we feel the heart hugging again and our lips open in a smile.

However the point of presence is not to become neurotic or with a heavy consciousness! A 100% presence is for the illuminated (maybe we'll get there eventually) only! And, to drop the work to go to the movies 'cause your heart told you so, isn't fair play! Presence should be practiced! It means to enjoy where you are without stress or pressure. Doing your work with the most passion and attention possible and than, go to the movies! It is to cease every second of the film because you don't need to be worried about your boss looking for you or about that report with a deadline in the next couple of days you haven't even started.

Presence is to enjoy a dish experiencing every bite, every flavour, texture, temperature; instead of swallowing it down. To sit in the sofa to read a book and feel the softness of the fabric against your body, your fingers going through the pages, the story getting into your mind and playing with your heart. It is to be with friends with no rush, without thinking about the dishes you'll have to wash after dinner, to listen to what they are saying behind blue eyes or smiles. It is also to follow the rhythm of life; wake up with the spring; get lighter with the summer; slow down at Fall; reflect during winter

Presence is part of this blog because without it is impossible to write anything with content. It is part of life because without it is impossible to live "now"

Kindness: a simple concept and a huge challenge

I'm not the only one to think that being kind is nice!

Everybody I know likes when someone stops to let you in first on traffic or holds you the lift door! We are surprised and love when people are kind; and constantly complain about the lack of education, sense, citizenship, etc.

Anyway, in theory the concept is simple and beautiful.

In practice, I've also pretended to be asleep in the tube not to loose my place (after all what doesn't hurt... isn't my responsibility, right?). When is much more common and easy to push who is in front of you than step aside and wait for the next train; being kind becomes a constant challenge.

The concept-challenge: Kindness is a voluntary and altruistic choice
This means that give the place in the line for someone over 60 is not kindness, it's citizenship. Stop the car on a unsigned crossing line isn't kindness, it's obligation  (by law in most Countries). To hold that handsome man's bag isn't kindness, is mild flirtation. And so on! It doesn't lower you kindness score but it also doesn't add points to it!

The idea here is to be kind just because; because you can, because it makes you moment nicer and happier, and maybe someone else's too.

Acting in 03 levels
- Me. Being kind to us is the first step! Therefore I intend to ignore, for example, what those neurotic inner voices telling me about this blog and how silly it and I are!
- The others. It's valid to be kind to your mom, dad, siblings, friends, neighbors, dog, cat, and parrot. What isn't allowed is to smile to the stranger at the café and kick who are closer to "balance".
- The World. To be kind breaks paradigms. Think, as women, to open the doors to the boys just out of kindness says more about equality than 1.000.000 burned bras! Same way, to reduce your waste is to be kind with the planet!

Kindness demands common sense
Kindly, do not exaggerate! Deep down, it isn't necessary to be a super hero to be kind! o need to run to open the door first! No need to always say yes and promise things you'll regret, just to be kind with a friend! And, definitely, don't by a 5.000 pounds purse just to be nice with yourself!

In fact, to be nice is simple! All that is needed is will and attention.

From where do we start?

From the beginning... the first step... the first text... the decision together with the action... from anywhere! What is most important is to begin!  

This blog is an invitation I made myself to start something real to change what I believe isn't fine: NOW, RIGHT AWAY, IMMEDIATELY! I'd like to forward this invitation to you! 

It's simple! It mix things I discovered about me, to things I'd like to see happening and an idea!

Things I discovered about me
- I'm impatient; I want things to happen right now!
- I adore life; think it's a gift and that I should enjoy it to the most!
- I'm not an island; what I do impact other people and the World and vice-versa!
- I have a choice!

Things I'd like to see happening 
- a happier World!
- people becoming more conscious, whole, free and happy!
- people complaining less and doing more!

The idea
- To live a better now!


Applying simple concepts to concrete actions: being kinder, making better choices, being more present, being more patient, smiling more often, acting lighter, sharing good things, questioning things that doesn't make sense etc. All to improve myself and possibly affect people and the world; so that my "right now" is better and I become happier (yes, the proposal is totally egoistic after all)!

Here is the invitation! I believe a better now starts with me; how about you?