I truly believe that everybody can be a leader and change her/his reality.
To create a better now IS possible and there are many ways in which you can find support and tools to help you out. Lucca Leadership is one example I would like to share.
The following text is an article about Transformational Leadership and the work of this organisation which became dear to me by reminding me of what mattered in very simple, effective ways.
If you enjoy the reading, please kindly help me to promote this organisation, its programmes and objectives. You can contribute by publicizing this article (or parts of it) or by adding our logo with a link to our website at your page, website, blog or social network. Just contact me through the blog. I will appreciate the kindness and certainly promote your initiative as well.
Transformational Leadership
Look around you or quickly read the news! It is not difficult to perceive we live in a World which is full of needs and challenges. The United Nations alone highlights 22 global issues to be addressed. In such scenario leaders that can cope with and promote sustainable change are essential. And this is what Transformational leadership is all about!
Transformational leadership is the ability to bring about change which uplifts and benefits humanity, through meeting its needs, and developing its capabilities. It begins with awareness of our thoughts, feelings, inner motivating force, passions, and values.
As this awareness grows, we start to understand how what we believe and who we are, can affect our thoughts, feelings and actions. A transformational leader is one who is able to connect with their true passion, intent and inner wisdom, in order to unlock their potential for the good of all.
Transformational Leadership inspires wholeness of being, so our thoughts, feelings and actions are consistent. We lead with an integrity and authenticity that resonates with others, and inspires them to follow.
It also requires the understanding of and engagement with people individually and in society and the ability to work with this understanding in the service of one’s own society.
This approach to leadership takes us from a constricting model of competition between individuals, teams or nations; to a connection with the whole of a situation. It is an approach to leadership that creates sustainable solutions, and avoids solutions that benefit some at the expense of others.
We move from making a sale at any cost towards creating lasting relationships and seeking socially responsible outcomes. It takes us from a narrow focus primarily on the bottom line; to realising a sustainable vision that contributes to the welfare of humanity.
Transformational Leadership is universally accessible because we all have the required tools already within us. With appropriate coaching and support anyone can develop and access the inner resources of the leader.
Lucca Leadership is a global social enterprise that was established to meet the growing need for training, ongoing development and support for young people, passionate about leading positive change and confident to meet the need for great leadership in the world today.
It runs transformational leadership programmes; enabling young people between 12 and 35 years old, of all nationalities and backgrounds, to discover their purpose, clarify their vision and develop the skills needed to make change happen for the benefit of their communities, nations and ultimately humanity itself. Rather than teaching young people what to think and what to lead; Lucca Leadership aims to teach young people how to think effectively for themselves and how to lead projects that inspire them, in service of their community.
Lucca Leadership is an independent organisation, run mostly by volunteers; and our weekend or week-long programmes (leadership foundation, living leadership – coaching training, mentoring training) are run in different locations (community, NGO, School, etc.) by our affiliates in the UK, Australia, Ireland, North America, Macedonia, The Netherlands and South Africa.
To know more about transformational leadership and how to apply to our different trainings, please check our website at: http://www.luccaleadership.org/.